Thursday, January 20, 2011
What's For Dinner?
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Yet Another Busy Weekend!
I don't know about mom, but I sure am beat from this weekend! Mom took me to my friend Max's house on Friday for a great playdate. We played with his new train set and had some yummy bagels for snacks. After an awesome nap, we went out to dinner with dad for delicious stir fry. On Saturday, we had music class and then a surprise birthday party for my friend Tyler's mom. It was so much fun since our other friends Juliana, Max and Lydon were there, too! This morning, my friends Spencer, Charlotte and Clive came over for a playdate and pizza party lunch. I loved showing off my new toys and playing with everyone. But boy do these busy weekends make me exhausted! Of course mom didn't take any photos this weekend, so I have to post some videos taken during our trip to Michigan at Christmas. Enjoy!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Holy Snow Day!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Getting Ready For A Blizzard
To keep busy, mom broke out the alligator mittens that grandma Joyce made for us for Christmas presents. They are soo much fun to play with! And they sure are great for chomping on dad's toes and bum! Sounds like I'm really going to be busy tomorrow!