Hi everyone! Mom thought I should write an update on how much I'm growing since I'm changing so much. I now have 6 teeth but there might be another on on the way. The biggest news is that I've gotten bored with crawling and decided to start pulling myself up to stand. It's fun to climb all over mom and get closer to her hair (so much fun to pull and chew on!). I can also kind of climb back down the step to the family room. It makes mom nervous since she's not sure if I'm going to break my neck or just do a major face plant and end up with a rug burned face. Thankfully dad is there to help her relax. And I've decided it's time I learned to feed myself. I love using a spoon and making a huge mess with my oatmeal. It's also fun to grab puffs with my fingers and shove them in my mouth. Hopefully I'll be a lot neater when I see everyone at Christmas!
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