Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Almost 9 Months Old!

Today, had my 9 month doctor's appointment. Based on my stats, I'm such a big boy! I am 29 1/4 inches long (80th percentile) and 18lbs. 15oz. (28th percentile). The weight measurement made mom really happy since she's been worried about it. But she must be feeding me well since I gained a whole pound in just 2 weeks. Keep the oatmeal and sweet potatoes coming, mom!

But the big news is our upcoming trip to Michigan! We are leaving this Friday after dad gets out of work and driving all night. Hopefully Emma and I will sleep the whole way so mom and dad can concentrate on driving. I am so excited to see the whole family and catch up with them in person. It's been way too long since I've seen them and I'm sure they feel the same way. And I can't wait to find out what all the Santa hype is about! Hope he knows how good I've been all year!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

My New Favorite Beverage

Mom has been working with me lately to get me drinking out of a cup (supposedly I need to be able to do this by the time I turn 1). We've been practicing mostly with water and I'm still pretty messy, letting at least half of the water run down my bib (thank goodness for drool-proof bibs!). But I'm glad we keep trying since I just love cups so much. I love chewing on the sides and making noises into them. Today, I happened upon mom's coffee mug and of course I had to try it! Check out how cool I look enjoying a cup of joe!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What Is All This White Stuff?

We had quite a little snowstorm last night and into this morning. Mom thinks we got about 4 or 5 inches of snow and it sure is pretty! Mom took me and Emma outside this morning to play in it, but it was too cold for us. I think I take after mom in that respect since she hates the cold. But I know how much dad likes it, so hopefully I'll grow to like it. Here are some photos that mom took of me in my cool snow suit. I ended up falling backwards and that made me sad, but mom quickly dried away my tears and I was all better after a long nap!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Cool Music

I've recently discovered music. I've definitely heard music before, but now I'm really appreciating it. I love when mom sings "Wheels On The Bus" and "Itsy Bitsy Spider" to me. And I have lots of toys that play music when I interact with them. They all make me laugh. But my favorite of all is the guitar, and lucky me, my dad is the best guitar player in the world! He knows all the cool songs and looks like a rock star when he plays. I just can't help but shake my booty when he starts playing!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Where Have I Been?

Holy cow, it's been a crazy week! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but we've been super busy. Aunt Karrie and uncle Matt came to visit us last week and we had so much fun. I was pretty sick at the beginning of the week, but by Tuesday I was back to my old self and could finally enjoy my company. We did a little Christmas shopping, hung out at Patriot Place (uncle Matt loves football so I was happy I could show him where the Patriots play), and even went to the aquarium in Boston. It was almost 70 degrees that day so we walked around and enjoyed the warm weather and got a couple of lobsters for them to take home. I was sad to see them leave on Friday, but I'm happy I get to see them again in a few weeks (I miss you guys soo much already!!).
On Friday, I met up with a few friends and went to see Santa Claus. I still really don't understand who he is just yet but all the other kids there seemed really excited to see him. Guess I'll find out what all the hype is about in a couple of years. On Saturday, mom was gone all day at a cookie baking party so I got to spend the whole day with dad. I had a blast climbing all over him all day long. I really could climb on him forever, he's the best toy ever! This afternoon was Emma's turn to see Santa (apparently, pugs just adore Christmas!). There were a few other dogs there and even 3 pugs in dresses. I hope we both get exactly what we want for Christmas since we've both been so good this year!