Today, had my 9 month doctor's appointment. Based on my stats, I'm such a big boy! I am 29 1/4 inches long (80th percentile) and 18lbs. 15oz. (28th percentile). The weight measurement made mom really happy since she's been worried about it. But she must be feeding me well since I gained a whole pound in just 2 weeks. Keep the oatmeal and sweet potatoes coming, mom!

But the big news is our upcoming trip to Michigan! We are leaving this Friday after dad gets out of work and driving all night. Hopefully Emma and I will sleep the whole way so mom and dad can concentrate on driving. I am so excited to see the whole family and catch up with them in person. It's been way too long since I've seen them and I'm sure they feel the same way. And I can't wait to find out what all the Santa hype is about! Hope he knows how good I've been all year!!
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