Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me!!

Today, I officially turned 1 and what a fun birthday I had! Mom and dad threw me a big party and all my friends came over and celebrated with me. We had a ton of snacks and pizza for lunch. Then we had cool dinosaur cake, tasty cupcakes and ice cream for dessert. There were also a ton of cool activities for my friends, like getting dinosaur tattoos, digging for dinosaurs in an archaeological dig and playing with balloons. All in all, I think we had about 25 or 30 people at the party! It was a bit overwhelming for me and I was a bit out of sorts throughout the party, but mom put me down for a nap afterwards and that definitely helped me (Emma napped too and boy did she need it!). Mom and dad gave me some yummy mac and cheese for dinner and mom said I can pick what we have for my birthday dinners when I get bigger. That sounds like fun to me!

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