I hope everyone had a happy Halloween! We had such a busy weekend, I can't wait to crash! On Friday, I had a Halloween party with my friends and we did our annual photo line-up. On Saturday, I went to another friend's house for Halloween party #2. They had the yummiest cake there and we all got to do a scavenger hunt. That night, dad carved the scariest pumpkin and it totally scared me, not that I scare easily.

Today, Emma had her Halloween party and we had so much fun. Dogs in costumes crack me up! And Emma even won a prize for best costume (mom dressed her up as a lamb, she was soo soft and fluffy!). After a long nap, we went to a neighbor's house for Halloween party #3. We had pizza and I got to play with all their cars, so much fun! Even though I was getting kinda sleepy (from all the pizza), I went trick or treating with mom and Emma. I never knew how much fun it is to go to people's houses and steal candy from them! Seriously, they just put the bowl in front of you and let you grab whatever you want! I met up with my neighbor, Trinity, and she was so much fun to trick or treat with (she went as Super Woman). I think Emma had fun, too, but no houses had any treats for her. Good thing we went to her party earlier in the day so she didn't feel too left out of all the treats!
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