Grandma Joyce and aunt Karrie left for Michigan yesterday. I was so sad to see them go, they were so good at holding and consoling me. Mom and dad loved having the help and may be more sad to see them go than I was. We had such a good time and I loved having gone through so many new experiences with them. It's a good thing I have this blog so they can keep up with my growing progress. Now I just need to have mom take some new pictures so we have something to post. I think we're taking Emma to the park today since it's so nice outside today. I'll let you know what we end up doing!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Still Growing!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
First Day at the Beach
I have to go to the doctors tomorrow which I'm not looking forward to. But
Monday, April 27, 2009
Make Way for Cooper!
Today mom and I started our mommy and me group. There are 9 other babies in there aged 3 to 7 weeks so I'm right in the middle. We all sit around and talk and learn great baby things each week and then go to lunch. Next week we get to learn about baby massage. We can't wait!!!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
First Picnic
Today, we're all going to Boston to walk around a bit and see the sites. Dad gets to go, too, but I
think Emma is staying home since it's in the 80s today and mom says that's a bit too hot for her. But hopefully we can bring her back something yummy, I know she would appreciate that. I think tomorrow we may go to a small pug meet-up at a beach and then maybe up to Rockport for something called lobster. I don't know what that is, but mom and dad say it is very tasty.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Can't wait for my visitors!
Happy Wednesday! Grandma Joyce and aunt Karrie will be here soon and I cannot wait! Mom has been running around like crazy to get ready for them and the house looks great. Too bad her cleaning involved a bath for me, I still hate baths but what can you do? Mom took this video of me last night while dad was holding me. I tend to go through a variety of facial expressions as I'm falling asleep and they wanted to capture it. I'm not sure if there is sound on this blog, but if there is dad apologizes for any swearing there might be. :)
I'm also starting to focus on things that are close by and interact with them. My bouncy seat is really comfy and I love the hanging elephant the most. Thanks for aunt Nikki and uncle Matt for giving me this great gift!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Happy Birthday, Uncle Matt!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Is spring finally here??
Mom says the temperature
today is going to be 70 degrees! That must be warm since she said she's not going to bundle me up with 2 blankets and extra socks when we go to visit her friend Kerri for lunch. Here's how I typically look when we go out (note how many layers are surrounding me, it makes me look soo huge!). Can't wait to go out with just pants and a shirt!
I was sad to see uncle Marc go, but so glad that he got to visit. And so glad
that aunt Shawn sent him up with my new Sock Monkey Jack-In-The-Box! I've never seen a sock monkey before but I love it. Especially when it pops up, so surprising! So much fun!! Now we are getting ready for our next visitors: grandma Joyce and aunt Karrie! They'll be here next Wednesday (seems soo far away!) and will be here for a week or so (hopefully longer as mom looks like she could use the extra help with me). I know I'm going to love them and I can't wait to meet them. I'm grandma Joyce's first grandchild so I know she's going to always love me the most. Can't wait for her to get here and start spoiling me already!!
I was sad to see uncle Marc go, but so glad that he got to visit. And so glad
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Getting so big
Mom and dad took me to the doctors yesterday and I am now 8lb 12oz
and 21 inches long. That's crazy since I was 7lb 12oz and 20.25 inches long on 4/3! Guess mom and dad are feeding me pretty well! Uncle Marc and I decided to celebrate my growth spurt with a nice cold one. Just joking, Marc thought it matched my outfit well so he took this photo. Unfortunately, uncle Marc has to go home today. We're going to lunch in a little after mom finishes burning some discs for him. I'll be sad to see him go, but I can't wait to see him again in July. He'll be soo surprised by how big I am then!!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter!
I also finally got to meet my cousin Tyler. Here's a photo of me with Tyler and his brother Mat.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Go Sox!
Yesterday was opening day for the Red Sox and mom says I already have something called "Sox
Fever". Hope it's not too serious! Dad is at the game tonight with uncle Frank, aunt Jodie and cousin Mat. Mom and I are tuning in every so often to see if we can see them on tv. Too bad the Sox are losing 5-1 in the 6th inning. They'll come back though, I just know it! Here's a pic of me in my fav Red Sox blanket that mom's friend Cuddy bought for me. Thanks, Cuddy!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Busy Weekend!
So mom and dad definitely like to keep me busy on the weekends! On Friday, we all went to the doctor to see how my jaundice was doing and it turns out I'm just about 100% over it! Hooray!
Plus, I weighed 7lb 12.5oz which was a big increase over my weight last week of 7lb 3oz. Must have needed to pack on the pounds since I also grew a 1/4 inch. After the doctors, we got takeout from Demo's since mom's been talking non-stop about their Greek salads since I was born. Glad she finally got one! Then we ran a lot of "errands" and went to hang out with dad's friend Todd and his family. They have 2 boys (Tucker and Alden) that are going to be my good friends when I'm big enough to play with them. Todd also tried to give me a nickname of 'Mini Cooper' but I promptly started crying to show my displeasure (hopefully he got the hint! :))
On Saturday, mom introduced me to a pacifier and I do really like it. Great way to take the edge off when you cant decide if you're hungry or just need to nap. Oh and my umbilical cord fell off! That was a pretty big deal since mom thought it might have hurt me but I was fine. I'm glad that it's gone since it means I'm just getting that much more grown up. Then mom's friend Christina stopped by for a visit. She's getting married this summer in the Cook Islands and having their reception back here in Boston in August. Hope mom lets me go to the reception, too!
On Sunday, we decided to sleep in until around 10:30 which was great! Dad got up with Emma and I snuggled with mom and things were good until my stomach started growling. Frank came over later in the afternoon for a visit with his dog, Jesse. Emma was happy to have a friend over and it was good being held by Frank. From what I hear, I'll be getting a bath tonight and I hate baths. Just look at how angry I was during my first bath! Maybe tonight will go more smoothly since they've had some practice now. Keep your fingers crossed for me!!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Welcome to my blog!
Hi everyone! I asked my mom to help me create a blog so I can keep my relatives updated on my exciting new life. So first, a quick shout out to my MI and FL peeps! I was born on 3/21/09 at 2:09 a.m. in Boston, MA. I was 7lbs., 6oz. and 20 inches in length. My mom says labor with me was easy thanks to the great drugs (not sure what drugs are, but I'm glad they helped her!). When they brought me home from the hospital, I got to meet my new big sister, Emma. She's a pug and we are already best friends (as you can tell from this photo):
So I'll be posting lots of updates and photos so everyone can keep in touch with me. I can't wait to meet everyone in my extended family! My uncle Marc is coming here next week from Florida on a free ticket. From what I can tell so far, free is a good thing. And my Natick relatives (Frank, Jodie and Mat) visited me this past weekend. Here's a photo of me with Frank:
Things at home are great so far! Mom stays home with me and Emma and we try to go for a walk outside when the weather is nice out. Dad comes home for lunch everyday so we
get to spend lots of time together. I can tell already how much mom and dad love me and Emma licks my head every chance she gets. Things are great, but I do hate getting my diaper changed and baths are just awful. Basically, anything that makes me cold is noo good. Guess I take after mom in that sense.
get to spend lots of time together. I can tell already how much mom and dad love me and Emma licks my head every chance she gets. Things are great, but I do hate getting my diaper changed and baths are just awful. Basically, anything that makes me cold is noo good. Guess I take after mom in that sense.
So I'll be posting lots of updates and photos so everyone can keep in touch with me. I can't wait to meet everyone in my extended family! My uncle Marc is coming here next week from Florida on a free ticket. From what I can tell so far, free is a good thing. And my Natick relatives (Frank, Jodie and Mat) visited me this past weekend. Here's a photo of me with Frank:
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