Friday, April 17, 2009

Is spring finally here??

Mom says the temperature today is going to be 70 degrees! That must be warm since she said she's not going to bundle me up with 2 blankets and extra socks when we go to visit her friend Kerri for lunch. Here's how I typically look when we go out (note how many layers are surrounding me, it makes me look soo huge!). Can't wait to go out with just pants and a shirt!

I was sad to see uncle Marc go, but so glad that he got to visit. And so glad that aunt Shawn sent him up with my new Sock Monkey Jack-In-The-Box! I've never seen a sock monkey before but I love it. Especially when it pops up, so surprising! So much fun!! Now we are getting ready for our next visitors: grandma Joyce and aunt Karrie! They'll be here next Wednesday (seems soo far away!) and will be here for a week or so (hopefully longer as mom looks like she could use the extra help with me). I know I'm going to love them and I can't wait to meet them. I'm grandma Joyce's first grandchild so I know she's going to always love me the most. Can't wait for her to get here and start spoiling me already!!

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