Thursday, April 2, 2009

Welcome to my blog!

Hi everyone! I asked my mom to help me create a blog so I can keep my relatives updated on my exciting new life. So first, a quick shout out to my MI and FL peeps! I was born on 3/21/09 at 2:09 a.m. in Boston, MA. I was 7lbs., 6oz. and 20 inches in length. My mom says labor with me was easy thanks to the great drugs (not sure what drugs are, but I'm glad they helped her!). When they brought me home from the hospital, I got to meet my new big sister, Emma. She's a pug and we are already best friends (as you can tell from this photo):

Things at home are great so far! Mom stays home with me and Emma and we try to go for a walk outside when the weather is nice out. Dad comes home for lunch everyday so we
get to spend lots of time together. I can tell already how much mom and dad love me and Emma licks my head every chance she gets. Things are great, but I do hate getting my diaper changed and baths are just awful. Basically, anything that makes me cold is noo good. Guess I take after mom in that sense.

So I'll be posting lots of updates and photos so everyone can keep in touch with me. I can't wait to meet everyone in my extended family! My uncle Marc is coming here next week from Florida on a free ticket. From what I can tell so far, free is a good thing. And my Natick relatives (Frank, Jodie and Mat) visited me this past weekend. Here's a photo of me with Frank:

I hope everyone enjoys reading about me and my adventures with life and Emma. Drop me a line anytime if you want me to answer any questions or give any advice!

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