Thursday, May 27, 2010

Busy Day

Looks like the summer is getting busy already!! Today was especially busy. I had my music class this morning, then a nap since I was so exhausted from all the dancing (check out some of my smooth moves in my video). In the afternoon, I had lunch with mom and dad and then mom took me to a kayaking class. Mom was pretty nervous since I was not happy sitting still in a kayak. I was squirming all around and mom thought for sure I would tip us over. But our instructor came over and held the kayak for us so we wouldn't tip. The best part was when a black lab showed up and played fetch in the water. It was so fun watching how far out she would swim to get her ball back. Once we were back on shore, I went in for a bit of a dip and threw some rocks around. Then it was back home for another nap although I fell asleep on the way home. After a nice bath, a naked run through the house and then dinner, we all walked together to Dairy Queen for sundaes! It was such a great day, but I am exhausted. I need to get my rest since we're heading to the Vineyard tomorrow for a long weekend. Happy early Memorial Day weekend everyone!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Eating Like a Big Boy

Since I'm getting so big, mom thought it was time that I really learn how to use a fork when I eat. Let me tell you, it's not as easy as it looks! The darn food goes in every direction when I try to poke it with my fork! But mom set up a cool bowl for me and it really helps. Now I can eat my mac and cheese just like the big kids do!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My New Diet

Mom and dad have been working really hard to put weight on me and it has been quite a struggle. But we got great news when we went to the doctor's this week: I've gained a whole pound in about 2 weeks! It has been such hard work, considering I don't like to eat all that much. Mom and dad started me on a new diet and I swear it's the reason I've gained weight: PediaSure, olive oil on just about anything, and ice cream! I like the ice cream the part the best and Haagen Dazs is my favorite kind. Did you know how much fun ice cream is to eat?? Delicious! Too bad poor Emma can't have any. But don't feel too bad for her, mom buys her special doggie frozen yogurt instead. Mom won't let me try it, but Emma sure seems to love it!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Yummy Treat

Mom has been going crazy trying to find food that I'll like to eat. I feel bad that I'm so fussy, but I really can't help it. I do try everything that she puts in front of me, but not everything tastes as good as she says it does. But there are a few things that I'm obsessed with: lentils, buckwheat noodles, CHEESE (any kind, it's all delicious!), and fruit (blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, I love berries). The newest thing she had me try was a tofu corn dog. I was a bit skeptical at first, but after a few bites I was hooked. And eating food on a stick is just too much fun to pass up!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

I just love Mother's Day since I adore my mom! But there is another mom in my life that I want to say I'm thankful for: the squirrel mom that lives on our porch. She must be exhausted all the time since she has 4 baby squirrels! They are the cutest things and I love that they live in the bench on our porch. Dad moved my bird feeder closer to the back door so the squirrels are always coming right up to the glass to say hello and grab a snack. Sometimes the birds scare them away, but I think they just need a little more confidence. I sure hope they don't move away too soon, I just love sharing my lunch time with them!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Showing Off My Goods

Remember when I wrote about buffing up my body for summer? All that hard work is finally paying off! I can't wait to hit the beaches this summer and show off my guns to all the girls. Now I just need to convince mom to stop using SPF 70 on me all the time. I mean look at me! I can't impress the girls with skin this pale! She says it's important to protect my skin since it's so fragile and I really don't want to age too quickly. Guess I'll just have to listen to her and keep using sunscreen. Good thing I can still flirt while wearing my sun hat!