Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Summer Fun!

Oh yeah, it's summer time!! We have been so busy so far and we've been having a delicious time! Mom and I went strawberry picking this weekend and picked 10 pounds of berries!! That's a lot of berries for smoothies! And I even had enough to share with Emma and Sawyer. Mom and I also went to a Scoopapalooza where they had all-you-can-eat ice cream. That was a delicious time! My favorite was the lemonade sorbet but mom really liked the coconut ice cream. When we were done, we did our best to make goofy faces for the camera since we were in a goofy mood.
But my favorite thing so far is having pizza parties with Sawyer in our clubhouse. We both climb up and mom brings us pizza, fruit and juice boxes. After she leaves, we discuss the important topics in our lives. Things like how do we stay up later and what kind of prank can we play on dad this weekend. Speaking of this weekend, we can't wait for our trip to Michigan! We leave tomorrow morning for a week there and we can't wait to see our family. And Sawyer turns 2 while we're there so I really can't wait for his party!! Cupcakes with our family is going to be soo much fun!! Talk to you when we get back!

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Sorry I've been away so long! So much has happened over the last year. For one thing, I'm now 4 years old!! My party was awesome, we went to the movies with my friends and then came back to our house for Death Star piƱata cake, yum! Grandma Joyce also visited us for 3 whole weeks. I loved having sleepovers with her and sharing my days with her. And now it's just about summer time! My school ended last week so this week, mom signed me up for camp at school so hopefully some of my friends will be there.
Oh, what's Sawyer been up to? He's just plain crazy! He loves to play peek-a-boo and is soo fast! We love to play outside together and chase each other. Bubbles and balls are by far his favorites!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Apple Picking Fun!

Who doesn't love a delicious apple? I know I sure do and so does Sawyer! Mom took us apple picking this weekend and it was awesome! There were so many apples everywhere we turned. It's a good thing that mom bought the large size bag because we needed it! Sawyer and I filled it up in no time. Just check out the size of the apples I'm holding, they were huge! After we were done filling up our bag, mom bought us some yummy cider donuts and cider. I think Sawyer ate 2 donuts himself. Mom has been going crazy this week trying to use up all those apples. She's made apple sauce, maple apple bread, apple cupcakes and apple pie. Fingers crossed she makes up some apple butter tomorrow since that is my favorite. Maybe we'll even get an apple crisp out of it!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

First Day of School

So it's official: I'm a Preschooler!! Today was my first day and it was so much fun! My teacher is Ms. Chick and there are 9 other kids in my class. My classroom has a ton of fun things to play with, lots of art supplies and even a hamster named Cupcake. She's really cute and she loves strawberries and raspberries, just like me! I even made a new friend; her name is Aly and she lives just around the corner from me. After school, mom took Sawyer and me to celebrate with a cheesy bagel. I can't wait to go back to school next week and play in the sandbox and make some more cool art projects!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Look What Sawyer Can Do!

So I haven't posted in a while, so I'm trying to make up for it.  I thought I'd post some videos of what Sawyer has been up to since he's growing soo fast!  He started walking on June 3rd and he hasn't stopped since!  He can go anywhere now and is totally getting into everything, though I keep telling him not to hit dad with the golf clubs.  He loves walking around outside, but mom seriously needs to get him a pair of shoes so he doesn't hurt his feet. 
And he loves to dance, but really only to one song: Bad Romance by Lady Gaga.  Guess he's just supper trendy.  But boy can he move!  Makes me want to dance, too!

It's Raspberry Season!

I love this time of year!  The sun is shining, the beach is open and mom has the freezer stocked with popsicles.  But the best part about this year?  I get to share it with Sawyer!!
Our friends Molly and Quinn came over yesterday and we had such a great time!  We played on the swing set, splashed around in our little pool, and took full advantage of our garden: the raspberries are in!!  We picked them together and ate them in the shade.  Talk about a perfect afternoon!  And I'm not sure if you can tell by these photos, but Sawyer really likes raspberries, almost as much as I do!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Strawberry Picking!

The weather is so nice outside that mom decided we should go strawberry picking today, just the 2 of us.  And I'm soo glad she invited me!  I always thought that strawberries came from the grocery store or the little strawberry plant on our porch, but boy was I surprised!  There were rows and rows of huge strawberry plants at the farm we went to.  They even had strawberries planted between rows of peach trees!  I had no idea they could grow like that!
And let me tell you, I have never had strawberries like this.  They were so juicy and warm from being in the sun.  My hands and face were all pink when we left.  Did I mention that I probably ate more strawberries than I picked?  When we checked out, we ended up picking 6.5 pounds of berries!!  Now we need to figure out what to do with them.  I gave a couple to Sawyer and he loved them.  Dad says we should make ice cream and mom says we should make jam.  I better put some aside for me before they are all gone!!