Tuesday, June 29, 2010

15 Month Stats

I had my 15-month check-up last week and I'm progressing nicely. I am now 32.25 inches (85th precentile) and I weigh 22.1 pounds (18th percentile). My doctor is still a little concerned about my weight so we visited a nutritionist to get a little help. She has me on a yummy blend of whole milk and heavy cream, ice cream, green beans with any dip I want (I do love hummus) and basically anything else I'll eat. But I thought I'd do my part to bulk up by lifting weights. Dad says muscle weighs more than fat so hopefully doing some bicep curls will get that scale going in the right direction!

Monday, June 28, 2010

How Do You Stay Cool?

It is officially summer and it is hot! It was about 90 and humid here today. I don't necessarily like the humidity but I do love the heat. Mom and I do whatever we can to keep cool and nothing is better than hanging out at my turtle pool! Mom fills it up early in the morning so by the afternoon it is just perfect. Plus it has a great shield that provides the right amount of shade. I love splashing around and banging my cool pool toys in the water. One time, Emma even came in since she was soo hot! If I get too cold from being in the water too long, mom just chases me around the yard for a bit and then it's back in the pool. Can summer really get any better than this?? And yes, mom makes me wear sunscreen everywhere!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Busy Summer Weekend

We sure were busy this weekend! We went to the Vineyard this weekend to hang out and visit cousin Mat. The weather was nice a warm, perfect for spending a weekend outside! On Saturday, after a marathon nap, we went to The Farm Institute in Edgartown where Mat works. It was after hours so he was able to give us a private and up-close tour of the farm. The cows were so friendly to us and even walked right up to us to have their heads scratched. They were so big, even bigger than dad! The goats were really funny, too! They totally head butted mama, but I think they were just playing around (at least that's what Mat said). We also went into a real pig pen and hung out with a few little piggies. Mom says they were pink, but they looked pretty brown to me. They made the cutest oinking sounds!! And let's not forget the chickens! They were hilarious! They followed us all around the pen and were very interested in us. Mat fed them a little food so they followed him around the most.

After we hung out with the animals, we headed to South Beach. The waves were huge!! And they made the cooled noise when they crashed onto the shore. Plus, the sand was such a cool texture and so fun to run on. We didn't stay too long since both mom and dad got a little wet from the waves. but that gave us plenty of time to have a yummy dinner at home (I do love pizza!). Today, we hung out at the water since it was kind of warm out. I collected some really cool rocks in a bucket and splashed around with Emma in the water. Mom found my little inflatable boat so we took that out for a spin, but I couldn't stay out too long since I got kind of chilly. We headed back home early in the afternoon and now I'm off to bed. So glad it's just the beginning of summer!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the cool dads out there! I think my dad had a good day. He got to sleep in until about 10, then mom and I made him a delicious breakfast (a veggie omelet, turkey bacon and toast). Afterwards, we went to the playground and dad helped me down the slide. Since it was soo hot and humid outside, we went home and to cool off in my inflatable pool in the backyard (Emma even jumped in!). Dad spent the rest of the day watching golf on TV, but we had a yummy dinner of burger and fries followed by a bath (had to wash off all that sunscreen that mom drenched me in). I know I had a great Father's Day and I really hope dad did, too! Happy Father's Day, dad!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Soo Cool

You may not know this, but I am totally cool. Know what makes me cool? My sweet hat. Sure it's a little big (it is dad's hat after all), but I can totally pull it off. I just love walking around the house with my hat and trying different ways to wear it. Mom says not everyone can pull off hats but I know she's not talking about me!
Last week, grandma Bina and grandpa Cal came out for a visit and it was so much fun! I hadn't seen them since Christmas and I was a bit shy at first, but once I realized who they were I rushed to the closet to show them my hat. They thought I looked really cool and I loved showing them all the cool things I can do now, like peekaboo. I love playing peekaboo, doesn't matter if I'm doing the hiding or someone else is. I just can't get enough! Check out my mad peekaboo skills below!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day Fun

I hope everyone had a great long holiday weekend. We spent the long weekend on the Vineyard with cousin Mat and his girlfriend, Faith. They are really musical so I loved showing them my cool dance moves. The weather was amazing so we spent a lot of time outside, most of it in Oak Bluffs. Mom and dad let me run around Ocean Park and burn off some energy. But as you can tell, I hated when it was time to go.

On Sunday, mom ran her first 5k race (again in Oak Bluffs). Dad and I had a ton of fun cheering her on and watching the other runners. There were even a few dogs that ran the race! We had to head back home on Monday which was a good thing since I developed a fever. I still have one, but hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow. I'll let everyone know what the doctor says!!