Saturday, June 16, 2012

Strawberry Picking!

The weather is so nice outside that mom decided we should go strawberry picking today, just the 2 of us.  And I'm soo glad she invited me!  I always thought that strawberries came from the grocery store or the little strawberry plant on our porch, but boy was I surprised!  There were rows and rows of huge strawberry plants at the farm we went to.  They even had strawberries planted between rows of peach trees!  I had no idea they could grow like that!
And let me tell you, I have never had strawberries like this.  They were so juicy and warm from being in the sun.  My hands and face were all pink when we left.  Did I mention that I probably ate more strawberries than I picked?  When we checked out, we ended up picking 6.5 pounds of berries!!  Now we need to figure out what to do with them.  I gave a couple to Sawyer and he loved them.  Dad says we should make ice cream and mom says we should make jam.  I better put some aside for me before they are all gone!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Playing Dress-Up

Sawyer and I love to play dress-up.  It's so fun to pretend you're someone you're not and fun to act out stories.  I let Sawyer borrow my fireman's hat and we pretended that we were working together on a construction site that caught on fire.  Good thing we were both there to save the day!

Then I found my rocket ship costume in the closet and just had to put it on.  Mom even found my old dog costume and it fit Sawyer perfectly!  We spent the afternoon pretending that we were trying to put the first dog into space on board the coolest rocket ship ever.  So glad I have Sawyer to pretend with, he's really good at it!!