Thursday, December 16, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Emma and I can't wait for Christmas! We really can't wait to be back in Michigan with our extended family! I can't wait to eat yummy food, open lots of presents and take lots of long naps. Mom says that what a Christmas vacation is all about! Mostly, I can't wait to see if Santa is really real. I've seen him a couple of times and yes, he is scary. But mom says he is really nice and is a really lovable kind of guy. I just hope he knows what a great guy I am and how good I've been this year! Oh and Santa, Emma's been really good this year, too!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Getting Ready For The Presents!

I am getting so excited for our trip to Michigan this weekend! Dad keeps talking about presents and Santa and I can't wait to see what all the hype is about! But thanks to aunt Karrie, the gift getting started early! She sent me a cool box in the mail and inside was this awesome hard hat and something else that she wouldn't let me see (she says I have to wait until Christmas, blah!). Mom says that this hat is just like the kind that uncle Matt wears so that made it even cooler! I can't wait to compare hats with him when I see him in a few days!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hanging with My Homey

My homey, Max, and I just love hanging out together. We play cars, talk about chicks (mostly our moms), eat snacks (Goldfish are my fav) and get our drink on (mostly milk). It's so good to have friends with the same interests as you. Max's mom was busy this morning, so Max got to go to class with me. I introduced him to my friends and showed him all the cool toys we play with. I'm sure glad mom makes sure that I get time to play with Max!